
The Perrin Technique™

What Is The Perrin Technique?

The Perrin Technique™ is an osteopathic approach developed in 1989, originally for ME/CFS, that aims to manually drain toxins from the cerebrospinal fluid into the lymphatic system. Movement of the spine and massage of the soft tissues in the head, neck, back and chest direct all the toxins out of the lymphatic system and into the blood, where they are eventually detoxified in the liver.

Eventually, with less poisons affecting the central nervous system, the hypothalamus and the sympathetic nervous system begin to function correctly, restoring health to the patient.

To see patients return to their normal healthy lives see the film 'The Perrin Technique'.

Revolutionary Treatment Of ME/CFS

To learn more about the Perrin Technique™ and to find out how a diagnosis could help you or your loved one with ME/CFS, please get in touch today. We’ll answer any questions you may have about ME/CFS and guide you to a licensed practitioner that can make a diagnosis and ultimately administer treatment.


The Perrin Technique Books
available from all bookshops

The Perrin Technique 2nd edition
& The Concise Perrin Technique: A Handbook for Patients

ME/CFS Diagnosis
& Treatment

The Perrin Technique™ is a manual method that aids the diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS based on the theory that stress factors which can be physical, emotional, chemical, or immunological (such as allergies or infections) can cause excessive strain on the sympathetic nervous system, leading to ME/CFS.


Diagnosing ME/CFS

Dr Perrin has discovered definite physical signs common to all ME/CFS sufferers and thus he has developed a physical examination with a definite diagnosis at the end and not just based on what is not found! For more detailed information about how to use The Perrin Technique for diagnosing ME/CFS and showing how the treatment can possibly help your patients return to normal life you can buy the DVD or the video of the film The Perrin Technique™ a guide for the Health Care Practitioner through our link to the website of The Fund for Osteopathic Research into M.E. The book ‘The Perrin Technique™‘ is available for patients and/or practitioners.

Treating ME/CFS

The sympathetic nervous system spreads throughout the entire body affecting every type of tissue, but more importantly receiving messages from all the tissues e.g. skin, muscle, blood vessel, gland, lymph vessel etc. The latter forms an important network of small channels carrying lymph, which is a transparent bodily fluid collected from all tissues and eventually returned to the blood. The lymphatic system is basically a secondary waste disposal unit within the body that flushes out the waste products of the cells and foreign bodies that are toxic to us. The fluid motility in the lymph is helped by pressure from the blood flow in the surrounding blood vessels, and so the lymphatic tissue will be engorged with fluid if the blood circulation is not working properly. The sympathetic nerves also have been found to control a pump mechanism within the main drainage of the lymphatic system which becomes disturbed in ME/CFS. The resultant backflow further engorges the lymphatic vessels, especially in the chest and neck.




    As more and more patients with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia (FMS) hear about The Perrin Technique there is an increased demand for the treatment to be available across the Globe.

    "I was well, within weeks, after twelve years of a miserable life. It is incredible to me even now when I think about it."
    Elizabeth Smith
    Toronto, Canada
    "Treatments have proved highly effective in mitigating the severe symptoms endured by our daughter. We are convinced in Dr Perrin treatment."
    Mr & Mrs A
    "Dr Perrin's treatment alleviates my symptoms and gives me the boost I need to live a more or less normal life."
    Mrs J C
    "I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Dr Perrin and his work to and ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferer."
    Mrs L W