12th May 2022 will mark the 30th anniversary of International ME/CFS Awareness Day. This date was chosen as it coincides with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing, who became chronically ill in her mid-thirties with an M.E.-like illness after she returned from the Crimean War, which sadly left her virtually bedridden for the rest of her life.

International ME/CFS Awareness Day is a time for the ME/CFS community, carers and allies to attend events, increase public awareness and share information to help educate friends, family, healthcare professionals and government officials about this debilitating condition. Ultimately, the goal is to promote a greater understanding of ME/CFS and the impact it can have on a person’s life.
We encourage all our Practitioners to raise awareness and express our solidarity this May. Whether that’s spreading the word on social media or in clinic, attending a #MillionsMissing event or wearing the colour blue to show support for the ME/CFS community.