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We are thrilled to announce that Dr Ray Perrin’s much-anticipated book on long COVID will be out on 7th of November, 2024 and is available to pre-order on Amazon now!

Through the Looking Glass: Diagnosing and Treating Long COVID using The Perrin Technique takes readers through what long COVID is and how the symptoms can be reversed using lymphatic drainage of the brain. 

Topics in the book include:

  • How long COVID affects the body
  • The role of toxins in long COVID
  • Diagnosing long COVID 
  • Long COVID and comorbidities
  • Treating long COVID using the Perrin Technique
  • Self help advice
  • The role of the hypothalamus, the SLYM and the CSF canalicular system 
  • Supplements
  • Advice on other treatments that may help

The back cover of the book reads:

In March 2020, when the world was in turmoil in trying to respond to a novel virus of which even the symptoms, let alone the long-term consequences,  were in doubt, Dr Raymond Perrin predicted that thousands  – potentially millions – would be affected by what has come to be called ‘long COVID’. His prediction – published online in the Journal of Medical Hypotheses in June 2020 as the paper ‘Into the looking glass: Post-viral syndrome post COVID-19’ – was based on his long study of neuro-lymphatics, how the body’s detox and drainage system interacts with the nervous system in health and disease.  

Sadly for those many millions of people, that prediction has become a reality.  More hopefully, Dr Perrin’s understanding of neuro-lymphatics has made it possible to offer a solution, based on his many years of developing the Perrin Technique to help ME/CFS and fibromyalgia patients recover.

Now, in this practical handbook, Dr Perrin spells out the basics of WHY and HOW to use the Perrin Technique to underpin recovery from long COVID and restore healthy lymphatic drainage from the brain following COVID-19 infection or vaccination. He brings together what is now known about the virus and its long-term consequences with his research and clinical experience of more than 30 years to offer solutions that can restore health, as the many case histories included here illustrate. 

Through the Looking Glass takes readers through the confusion around what long COVID really is and out the other side where it is possible to have a clearer view of what treatment will work and why.

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