Welcome to The Perrin Technique


Over the weekend of June 22 – 23 2024, New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) played host to the inaugural Conference on Osteopathic Research and Knowledge (CORK).

Dr. Perrin flew to New York to join world renowned DO’s in an inspirational learning, teaching and networking setting, which also included celebrating the 150th year of Osteopathy!

On the first day of CORK, Dr. Perrin presented his lecture “The Osteopathic Techniques for diagnosis and treatment of Long COVID” (above) which was followed by a hands-on workshop in the afternoon of Day 2.

Dr. Perrin is pictured below at the conference reception celebrating the 150th birthday of osteopathy alongside keynote speaker Prof. Hollis King (left), one of the leading US osteopathic teachers and research professors.

On the right hand side of the poster is Ira Monka, president of the American Osteopathic Association, as well as Alice Chen, an osteopath and scientist from San Diego, who was also a speaker at CORK this year. 

Congratulations to NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine and Dr. Jordan Keys for a scintillating conference! NYIT also hosted a post-CORK event on the Perrin Technique™, with the three-day workshop taking place in Old Westbury, bringing together healthcare professionals eager to expand their knowledge of the technique.

The newly licensed practitioners who completed the workshop and are now certified to practice the Perrin Technique™ include:

Dr. Lawrence Barnard, DO (New York)

Dr. Ryan Christensen, DO (Michigan)

Dr. Lewis Bass, DO (New York)

Bethany Fancher, LMT (Tennessee/New York)

It was also a pleasure to welcome existing PnT Practitioners Jena Blackwood and Dr. Patricia Kooyman, DO to the workshop, who are pictured above alongside the workshop class.
Patty, a licensed Perrin Technique practitioner and NYIT faculty member, re-attended the full workshop to gain even more expertise when dealing with the increasing number of patients attending the Long Island Clinic.

Other leading NYIT School of Osteopathic Medicine Faculty members who attended as much of the workshop as possible was organiser Dr. Jordan Keys, Director of the Osteopathic Medicine Center and her colleagues Dr. To Li and Dr. Sheldon Yao, chair of the Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine at NYIT.

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