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We are pleased to share that Rashlin Bhachu, a patient of Advanced Perrin Technique Practitioner Rakhee Mediratta, has been featured in an episode on Raelan Agle’s popular YouTube channel to discuss her journey with ME/CFS and how the Perrin Technique has played a pivotal role in her recovery.

In this episode, Rashlin shares how she was always working hard, training for marathons and pushing herself on a physical level however all that changed after she got COVID in 2020.

“The CFS/ME got to a stage where I couldn’t function anymore. I couldn’t get out of bed without help and brushing my teeth felt like i was lifting 50kg weights. I truly did not understand what had happened and was lost, overwhelmed and confused.

What I found very helpful about the Perrin Technique was it was the first type of examination that I had where someone said you’re presenting signs of chronic fatigue syndrome.

I was seeing a practitioner [Rakhee Mediratta] on a weekly basis who understood what I was going through because she was working with people who have CFS/ME and Long Covid, so I felt very seen and very heard.

– Rashlin Bhachu

Rashlin now works as a Fatigue Coach and NLP Practitioner. You can catch the full episode, which appears on Raelan Agle’s YouTube channel, via the link below:

ME/CFS Stole My Life: This is how I got it BACK

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