Welcome to The Perrin Technique


Kerrie Austin, Advanced PnT Practitioner in South Africa, was recently interviewed on the TV show Real Health to discuss ME/CFS.

Real Health is a lifestyle show that invites guests from the Heath & Wellness sector to share their knowledge on the issues affecting health, and the solutions that are available.

“I was recently interviewed by Michael Porter on the Real Health show. We discussed ME/CFS, what it is and how we can diagnose and treat it. I was thrilled to discus this debilitating disease as many patients go undiagnosed and untreated their whole lives.
– Kerrie Austin, Advanced Perrin Technique Practitioner

Welcome to The Perrin Technique


Spain welcomes their first licensed Perrin Technique Practitioner!

Earlier this month, Dr. Perrin travelled to San Roque to train up budding Perrin Technique Practitioners and it was a pleasure to welcome Andrea Clac, Josefina Martin Méndez and Chris Pfleger to the workshop.

Congratulations to Josefina who is the first practitioner on the map in Spain, and we look forward to welcoming both Andrea and Chris on board in due course!

Welcome to The Perrin Technique


12th May is International ME/CFS Awareness Day, also promoted as World ME Day.

On this important day, organisations and individuals recognise and support the millions of people world-wide who are affected by ME/CFS and other chronic immunological and neurological diseases by raising public awareness.

Our patients deserve all the recognition in the world, navigating through the debilitating conditions ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and now Long COVID.

Today we wanted to take the opportunity to celebrate YOU by sharing some achievements made on your recovery journeys with The Perrin Technique.

This significant day coincides with the 55th anniversary since the World Health Organisation (WHO) officially acknowledged ME/CFS in their International Classification of Diseases.

ME/CFS Awareness Day was established to combat the widespread misunderstanding and stigmatisation associated with the condition. Over the years, it has grown into a significant global observance, driving international efforts to enhance the quality of life for those affected. Today, and every day, we stand with the ME/CFS community as a #GlobalVoiceForME

Welcome to The Perrin Technique


In 2023, Dr. Perrin was interviewed by Jeremy Quinby, host of Highway to Health Podcast, who wanted to find out more about The Perrin Technique™ (special mention to Perrin Technique Practitioner Ruby Tam for introducing these two!). 

This detailed discussion aired in April 2024 and is available to listen to on Apple Podcasts:

Together they discuss how Long COVID resembles ME/CFS and what we might be learning from it as well as implications of the SLYM (Subarachnoid Lymphatic-like Membrane) and other recent discoveries. 

Highway To Health are a team of dedicated health professionals and wellness advocates providing insightful written content, videos and the latest developments in the world of health, well-being, technology, and research.  

Dr. Perrin’s interview, which is just over an hour long, is also available to view on YouTube:

Welcome to The Perrin Technique


In April, Dr. Ray Perrin was training up new Perrin Technique™ Practitioners at Fairways Lodge in Manchester, UK. The workshop was held on 14th – 15th of the month, which saw 6 individuals become newly certified in The Perrin Technique™!

A very warm welcome to:

Caroline Bullen
Casey Delamere
Jeremy James
Francesca Niccoli
Wendy van Nooten
Mynndie Panesar

Dr. Perrin was assisted on this two-day masterclass by three of our Advanced Perrin Technique Practitioners: Laurent Heib, Sophie King and Gail Sumner. Thank you all for a fantastic workshop and we wish our new practitioners all the best as they embark on this Perrin Technique journey!