

In April, Ray Perrin was interviewed by Raelan Agle who wanted to find out more about The Perrin Technique. 

Raelan is the author of Finding Freedom: Escaping from the Prison of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and has a popular YouTube channel where she’s passionate about sharing ME/CFS recovery information with others.

The interview has been well received by viewers, with many sharing just how much the scientific explanation behind the technique really resonates with them. To watch the 40-minute interview, see the YouTube video here:

Dr Raymond Perrin – A Proven Neurolymphatic ME/CFS Recovery Method



Amongst the fantastic class in Phoenix, Arizona was Dr. Ruby Tam who is a board-certified family-medicine doctor based in Minnesota, USA, and most recently a licensed Perrin Technique Practitioner. 

Dr Tam came across her first ME/CFS patient in 2015 and has since been been vocal about how she wants to devote the rest of her life and career to patients with ME/CFS. Fast forward to the beginning of 2023 and her free virtual clinic kicked into operation!

The ME/CFS Minneapolis Clinic is dedicated to improve healthcare equality to Minnesotans with ME/CFS caused by long-haul COVID, post-viral syndrome, or other physical/mental triggers. It offers free Telehealth visits and in-person Perrin Technique appointments to uninsured and under-insured people with ME/CFS and Long COVID.

This free clinic has since received a Gold rating for meeting the quality standards of The National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics and Ruby definitely receives a Gold rating from us too!

It has always been our aim that The Perrin Technique can be accessed by all, not just those who are fortunate to afford it. We would like to send our appreciation to Dr Ruby Tam and her ME/CFS Clinic – it is wonderful to hear about the fantastic work you are doing for the community and we are grateful that more ME/CFS patients can have access to help and support, regardless of their financial situation.



As Spring was in full flow in the USA, so was The Perrin Technique workshops. California and Arizona were hosts to the two-day courses for aspiring practitioners to learn the science behind the techniques and the practical skills needed to diagnose and treat patients with ME/CFS, FMS and Long COVID. 

Dr Perrin with the workshop class in Arizona

We welcome you all to our expanding global family of licensed PnT practitioners:

Dorinda Galbraith-McEachern – Maine

Ruby Tam – Minneapolis

Gina Rooney – Arizona

Mindy Marantz – California

Patricia Meegan – Rhode Island

Paula Curtis – Colorado

Theresa Dowell – Arizona

We would like to pass on a huge thank you to existing Perrin Practitioner Carrie Schuessler for organising the Phoenix workshop and to her & her family for helping to make Ray’s Arizona trip so wonderful! We would also like to give a huge thank you to Melinda Bassett for organising the workshop in California as well as a free public lecture – we hope to bring an LA-based Perrin Practitioner to you soon!



Licensed Perrin Practitioner Nik Altmann is succeeding in trying to make the Perrin Technique more visible in Austria – as last month he appeared in the local news!.

“Nikolaus Altmann knows how sufferers of chronic fatigue can overcome it. The man from Wachau completed his training as an osteopath in Great Britain and recently returned to Krems. He has “The Perrin Technique” in his luggage….”

Read the original article in full here, and the English translation here.



Dr Ray Perrin presented his lecture ‘Long-COVID/Post COVID-19 Syndrome: An Osteopathic Approach’ at the 2nd Israeli Osteopathic Congress in Tel Aviv. 

Also amongst the lecturers were licensed Perrin Technique Practitioners Jöry Pauwels (based in Belgium) and Vincent Staf (based in France)!

The event was attended by leading experts from around the world to share scientific research and show the connection between osteopathy and other areas of medicine. Participants from the USA, France, Belgium, Russia, Great Britain and Israel were in attendance as well as hundreds of international viewers on Zoom.

On the second day of the event, Ray ran his diagnostic workshop “An osteopathic protocol to aid diagnosis for ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Long-COVID” and he will be returning to Israel in November to give a two day Perrin Technique training workshop.

Ray with attendees at his diagnostic workshop 


Sunday 19th March saw the return of the Run Wigan Festival which consists of a half-marathon, a 5K run and a family mile. Perrin Technique Practitioner Sue Capstick and her team at The Bridgeman Physiotherapy Centre in the North West of England are an associate sponsor of the event and were back providing pre + post race massages to raise funds for the F.O.R.M.E. Charity (Fund for Osteopathic Research into M.E.)

Sports therapy students from Wigan and Leigh College, Edge Hill University and University of Central Lancashire volunteered at the stall to provide the sports massages. as well as the numerous volunteers needed to man the stall…. to keep up with all the donations that were flying in! 

Around £575 was raised on the day, to add to the thousands that Sue Capstick & her clinic have raised for the charity over the years. See donation page here.

Practitioners like Sue have excelled in raising much needed funds for the FORME Charity, that finances continued research into The Perrin Technique.

We thank her and her team at The Bridgeman Centre for their fantastic effort once again!



Last month, Dr Perrin held a diagnostic and treatment training course at the Osteopathie Schule Deutschland GmbH in Hamburg. 

He was ably assisted by licensed Perrin Practitioner, and member of the Advanced Practitioner course, Rakhee Mediratta. It was a pleasure to also be joined by existing Perrin Practitioners Michael Kaufmann and Sven Limberg who attended the workshop as a refresher course.

Michael, Sven and Rakhee are pictured above, alongside Dr Ray Perrin at the OSD, Hamburg

As a result, we have four new additions on the map to accompany the growing number of licensed Perrin Practitioners based in Germany! A very warm welcome to:

Wiebke Nicolaisen

Nadine Simon

Svenja Wöstmann

Christian Hinckel-Venjakob

Willkommen in der Perrin Technique-Familie, wir sind dankbar, Sie an Bord zu haben!

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Upcoming Special Event: April 29-30, 2023

The Osteopathic Medicine Center and NYITCOM Office of Postdoctoral Education in New York, USA, are hosting a special Two-day Event: The Perrin Technique for the osteopathic diagnosis and treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME & Fibromyalgia, with guest presenter Dr. Raymond Perrin, DO (UK), PhD, Osteopath, Neuroscientist.

When: April 29-30, 2023, in the NYITCOM OMM Lab, Old Westbury, NY.

Click here to register or email OMC@nyit.edu if you have any questions!


Research News

Reducing fatigue in Long COVID-19: A feasibility study of a self-help intervention to reduce fatigue-related symptoms among patients in general practice” has finally been given the green light by the Northern care Alliance NHS Trust and the University of Manchester, and recruitment for this important study has finally started. The project is a feasibility study examining whether patients are compliant in following the self massage and mobility exercise developed by Dr Perrin and do the techniques help reduce the symptoms of Long-COVID. It is is due to finish at the end of 2023.

We express our thanks to Dr. Perrin’s research colleagues at The University of Manchester and Salford Royal Foundation NHS Trust: Lisa Riste, Adrian Heald Mark Hann, new research assistant Tom Mulholland and of course thanks to the Fund for Osteopathic Research into ME Charity Trust for funding this important study.

Stay tuned!

In the photo are Dr. Perrin with research assistant Tom and fellow developers of the research Drs Lisa Riste and Adrian Heald at The 15th annual Perrin Technique conference held in Manchester in November 2022


New Australian licensed practitioners

In December Dr. Perrin traveled to Perth, Western Australia where he trained up a group of practitioners at the home of osteopath Dr. Ray Power who with his wife Cathy played perfect hosts and all the group sampled Cathy’s amazing cuisine as well as learned the science behind the techniques and the practical skills needed to diagnose and treat patients with ME/CFS, FMS, and Fibromyalgia.

This was the first workshop Dr. Perrin has conducted ‘down under’ and he hopes to return in 2024 for a lecture tour of Australia and New Zealand.
We welcome  all our new Australian Colleagues to our expanding global family of licensed Perrin Technique (PnT) practitioners