

We would like to share a powerful and moving story by Perrin Practitioner Dr Ruby Tam and her patient “JS”.

For background, Dr Tam opened her ME/CFS Minnesota Clinic at the beginning of the year and offers free Telehealth visits and in-person Perrin Technique appointments to uninsured and under-insured people with ME/CFS and Long COVID. 

Her free clinic has since received a Gold rating for meeting the quality standards of The National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics and Dr Tam has been vocal about how she wants to devote the rest of her life and career to patients with ME/CFS.

Please note, this story include sensitive content regarding a patients mental health:

Sixteen days after I almost missed the Perrin Technique workshop due to a snow storm in Minnesota where my flight had to be towed back from the runway and got the last stand-by seat of a next day flight to Phoenix through divine intervention, I received an email through my charity clinic website. Mr JS was depressed and hopeless. He was going to kill himself that night until he heard Dr Perrin speak about The Perrin Technique on the internet.

Just like many ME/CFS patients, JS has seen many doctors, e.g. rheumatologists, neurologists, etc for his fatigue and pain. No one has found anything wrong with him. All the tests came back normal. This has been going on for almost ten years.

A high achiever and extremely motivated, JS was a store manager, married with children. He had been working long hours and endured a lot of stress. One day, he suddenly felt a burning sensation down his arm.  He sat down, rested, and turned on his computer to read his emails. But the words did not make any sense to him! They were written in English, his primary language, but he could not comprehend them.

After that, he was diagnosed with burnout and had to quit his job. But JS was getting worse. His burning back pain kept him up at night. His brain was in a fog all the time, and he could not learn any new things. Whenever new stress occurred, JS’s body would burn and tremor.  He was getting more depressed and anxious. He no longer tolerated the food he used to eat.  All the antidepressants his doctors prescribed him caused side effects. He got dizzy when he stood up. The problems went on and on. He saw so many doctors that his medical bills were piling up. Even with spending so much money, he was given no answer to his illness.

On April 17, 2023, JS thought about suicide as an option. He had made the decision and started putting together the plan of how it would be carried out. The decision had been made. For whatever reason, he turned on his computer and searched the internet about chronic fatigue treatment.  Dr. Raymond Perrin came on.  He was talking in the first video about how the lymph of chronic fatigue patients was not working properly to drain the toxins!  “This guy knows what he is talking about!” JS said to himself.  He went on to watch the next video, then another video. He decided that he needed to give this a try.  “But I don’t think I can find anyone in Minnesota. Not Minnesota.” JS thought.  Minnesota is in the middle of the United States, and is one of the most northern states with famously cold winters.  Usually, any national experts do not live here. They are found in the east and west coasts of the country, or at least in more metropolitan areas like Chicago or Houston. JS decided to get on Dr. Perrin’s website to find the closest practitioner to him.   This was how he found me.

JS lives 1.5 hours away from Minneapolis. We started talking on April 17, 2023 for an hour, then again the next day, then the next week.  He has started trying different medications I suggested.  He even bought the Perrin Technique patient guide and started doing the Perrin self treatment on his own. He was feeling about 10% better.  At the same time, he wondered if my diagnoses of fibromyalgia, dysautonomia, polyneuropathies, mast cell activation, etc were true.  With a lot of doubt in his mind, on May 26, 2023, JS finally met me in person for his first in-person Perrin Technique treatment. JS was beaming and hopeful.  

JS has done a number of in-person treatment sessions with me now.  He diligently does his daily self treatment and continue his weekly treatments with me: “I am feeling better each week. I continue to do the daily routine twice a day. Some days I forget. I am just starting to get some nasal clearing and be able to smell for brief periods during the day. This is a sign to me the fluid in the brain is flowing better and not so much inflammation is present in the brain”, said JS who finally feels his health is going in the right direction!  

For a long time, JS had been so congested that he completely lost his sense of smell however he can now smell intermittently! Last week, he was able to smell the coconut oil used during his treatment. He was simply ecstatic!

I cannot thank Dr Perrin enough for his tireless effort in traveling around the world to teach practitioners about The Perrin Technique.  Without him, many people would have lost hope in life. Dr Perrin is a treasure for the ME/CFS community.  We forever owe him a debt of gratitude.



On 24th June Brian Morrey, whose daughter has ME, is taking on ‘The Frog Whitton’ (the UK’s ultimate swim-cycle challenge) to raise money for F.O.R.M.E. – the charity that helps fund research into osteopathic techniques for ME/CFS such as The Perrin Technique. On the fundraising page, Brian gives special thanks to those at The Perrin Clinic: Elaine, Ray, Sylveen, Ian and Antoinette.

“In May 2018, this disease affected my 18 year old daughter and life changed dramatically. Fast forward to 2023 and now at 23 yrs old we have a far better quality of life for her… The use of osteopathic techniques appears to be transforming the lives of people living with this debilitating condition, but research into this can only be done through the generosity of fundraising events.


The Frog Whitton route starts and finishes in Grasmere, Cumbria, with a total distance of 102 miles – 96 miles of cycling and 6 miles of swimming!

We hope you will share Brian’s challenge and support his fundraising if you are able to:




“Viral waste products must be secreted or they recirculate, which is why anyone with Long Covid should also look into the osteopathic Perrin Technique.”

Helen Kirwan-Taylor

These were the words of journalist Helen Kirwan-Taylor in an article published on the MailOnline and in the 21st May edition of YOU Magazine. Helen states how she has been battling Long Covid since 2020 and shares her experience of the many avenues she’s tried on her recovery journey.

 “Dr Raymond Perrin believes that Long Covid and ME sufferers do not detoxify properly.”

Helen Kirwan-Taylor

Helen shared on her social media pages that she has started to see Perrin Practitioner Rakhee, adding “After many months of trying, I have finally seen the extraordinary Rakhee Mediratta… I responded quickly to her able fingers which is good but this is a long process”

And whilst the original article itself (link here) focuses on a specialised Wellness Clinic in Spain, it’s another example of The Perrin Technique continuing to be highlighted in association with Long Covid.



A huge congratulations to Dr Ruby Tam who has joined the Scientific and Medical Advisory Board of ME Action!

Dr Tam, who has been a staunch advocate for affordable and quality care for ME/CFS patients, was invited to join the board to serve alongside other outstanding physicians and medical professionals.

The Scientific and Medical Advisory Board (seen here) will keep ME Action up-to-date on the latest research and care for people with ME and other complex chronic conditions. 



The training workshop in Long Island, NY at the New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine was a huge success with 10 new Perrin Technique Practitioners licenced in the USA as well as 2 in Canada!

Dr Perrin amongst the NYIT workshop class

It’s a pleasure to welcome Jordan Keys, Director of the Osteopathic Medicine Center, and Sheldon Yao, who serves as Chair of the Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, to the global Perrin network.

As well as Jordan and Sheldon, the other Practitioners based in America were either NYIT faculty members or visiting osteopaths / physical therapists from New York or nearby states. They include:

Danielle Astarita

Jena Blackwood

Joe Simone

Lisa Preston

Nihir Shah

Patricia Kooyman

Sylvia Silberman

To Li

The NYIT class also included the following Canadian osteopaths who flew down from Montreal:

Sonia Léveillée 

Josiane Sorel 

It’s fantastic to have them on board, we welcome them all! Bienvenue a la Famille!

The two day event was organised by Jordan and Sheldon and their team at NYIT and we thank them all especially Jordan who worked really hard to make this first (of hopefully many) NYIT workshops such a success!

Pictured above amongst the workshop class is Trish Meegan from Rhode Island, who trained as a Perrin Practitioner in Phoenix the month before and volunteered to travel to Long Island to model for the treatment at the NYIT workshop. Thanks Trish for literally going the extra mile and helping to train others! 

Flying in from San Francisco to help in the practical training was osteopathic physician Sean Moloney who teaches at the osteopathic college in California. Sean is part of the first Advanced Perrin Technique Practitioner class due to qualify at the end of this year. A huge thank you to all involved!



In April, Ray Perrin was interviewed by Raelan Agle who wanted to find out more about The Perrin Technique. 

Raelan is the author of Finding Freedom: Escaping from the Prison of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and has a popular YouTube channel where she’s passionate about sharing ME/CFS recovery information with others.

The interview has been well received by viewers, with many sharing just how much the scientific explanation behind the technique really resonates with them. To watch the 40-minute interview, see the YouTube video here:

Dr Raymond Perrin – A Proven Neurolymphatic ME/CFS Recovery Method



Amongst the fantastic class in Phoenix, Arizona was Dr. Ruby Tam who is a board-certified family-medicine doctor based in Minnesota, USA, and most recently a licensed Perrin Technique Practitioner. 

Dr Tam came across her first ME/CFS patient in 2015 and has since been been vocal about how she wants to devote the rest of her life and career to patients with ME/CFS. Fast forward to the beginning of 2023 and her free virtual clinic kicked into operation!

The ME/CFS Minneapolis Clinic is dedicated to improve healthcare equality to Minnesotans with ME/CFS caused by long-haul COVID, post-viral syndrome, or other physical/mental triggers. It offers free Telehealth visits and in-person Perrin Technique appointments to uninsured and under-insured people with ME/CFS and Long COVID.

This free clinic has since received a Gold rating for meeting the quality standards of The National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics and Ruby definitely receives a Gold rating from us too!

It has always been our aim that The Perrin Technique can be accessed by all, not just those who are fortunate to afford it. We would like to send our appreciation to Dr Ruby Tam and her ME/CFS Clinic – it is wonderful to hear about the fantastic work you are doing for the community and we are grateful that more ME/CFS patients can have access to help and support, regardless of their financial situation.



As Spring was in full flow in the USA, so was The Perrin Technique workshops. California and Arizona were hosts to the two-day courses for aspiring practitioners to learn the science behind the techniques and the practical skills needed to diagnose and treat patients with ME/CFS, FMS and Long COVID. 

Dr Perrin with the workshop class in Arizona

We welcome you all to our expanding global family of licensed PnT practitioners:

Dorinda Galbraith-McEachern – Maine

Ruby Tam – Minneapolis

Gina Rooney – Arizona

Mindy Marantz – California

Patricia Meegan – Rhode Island

Paula Curtis – Colorado

Theresa Dowell – Arizona

We would like to pass on a huge thank you to existing Perrin Practitioner Carrie Schuessler for organising the Phoenix workshop and to her & her family for helping to make Ray’s Arizona trip so wonderful! We would also like to give a huge thank you to Melinda Bassett for organising the workshop in California as well as a free public lecture – we hope to bring an LA-based Perrin Practitioner to you soon!



Licensed Perrin Practitioner Nik Altmann is succeeding in trying to make the Perrin Technique more visible in Austria – as last month he appeared in the local news!.

“Nikolaus Altmann knows how sufferers of chronic fatigue can overcome it. The man from Wachau completed his training as an osteopath in Great Britain and recently returned to Krems. He has “The Perrin Technique” in his luggage….”

Read the original article in full here, and the English translation here.



Dr Ray Perrin presented his lecture ‘Long-COVID/Post COVID-19 Syndrome: An Osteopathic Approach’ at the 2nd Israeli Osteopathic Congress in Tel Aviv. 

Also amongst the lecturers were licensed Perrin Technique Practitioners Jöry Pauwels (based in Belgium) and Vincent Staf (based in France)!

The event was attended by leading experts from around the world to share scientific research and show the connection between osteopathy and other areas of medicine. Participants from the USA, France, Belgium, Russia, Great Britain and Israel were in attendance as well as hundreds of international viewers on Zoom.

On the second day of the event, Ray ran his diagnostic workshop “An osteopathic protocol to aid diagnosis for ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Long-COVID” and he will be returning to Israel in November to give a two day Perrin Technique training workshop.

Ray with attendees at his diagnostic workshop